
Beginner Strength Stack #2

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $125.00.


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Beginner strength stack #2 can help increase muscle mass and strength. Like other SARMs, LGD-4033 works by selectively targeting androgen receptors in muscle tissue, which can increase protein synthesis and muscle growth.

One of the benefits of LGD-4033 compared to Testosterone is that it is believed to have a lower risk of causing unwanted side effects such as hair loss, acne, and prostate enlargement. Additionally, LGD-4033 may also help to improve bone density, which can lead to improved overall strength.

Recommendation doses and length:
Testosterone: 250-400mg per week using up to 12 weeks
LGD4033: 5-10mg every day use up to 12 weeks


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