Trenbolone Acetate


Trenbolone is a synthetic form of testosterone that is often used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Trenbolone acetate works by binding to androgen receptors in the muscles, which helps to increase protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown. This leads to significant gains in muscle mass and strength. Trenbolone acetate is known for its potency. It is considered to be one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available, with a much higher anabolic-to-androgenic ratio than testosterone.

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Hardening physique
Harder, drier look
Increase igf1 level
Increase recovery
Build Mass and Strength
Increase Endurance
Lean muscle gains
Increase protein synthesis
Increase Vascularity

Recommend for contest prep

Recommendation doses:
only for advanced users
100-350mg per week
An injection every other day or every day

Cycle length:

Suggest using Tren up to 10 weeks only for advanced users

Tren can stack with any other compound except Nor19 compounds like Deca, and NPP.


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