

Aromasin, also known by its generic name Exemestane, is a medication used in bodybuilding and athletics as an aromatase inhibitor. It is used to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, which can be a side effect of using anabolic steroids.


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Aromasin works by blocking the action of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen. By doing so, it reduces the amount of estrogen in the body, which can help prevent or reduce the risk of estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia (enlargement of the breast tissue in men) and water retention.

In addition to its use during a steroid cycle, Aromasin is also sometimes used as a post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore natural testosterone production and reduce the risk of estrogen-related side effects.

Lower estrogen levels
Prevent gynecomastia
Lower Estrogenic Side Effects
Lower excess water retention
Increase IGF1 level


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